How to Fill Account Opening Form of Punjab National Bank

Fill PNB Account Opening Form : Punjab National Bank is usually one of the choice of an Indian to open a new Bank Account. Opening a Bank Account in PNB is not just visiting the Branch and get it done instantaneously. You need to follow a certain procedure to open Bank Account in PNB. Gathering the documents is not a great deal as you just need to get the photostat copies your Address Proof, Identity Proof and PAN Card. When it comes to filling up PNB Account Opening form, a lot of people have difficulty in it. Today, we will guide you through the step by step procedure to download and how to fill up PNB Account Opening Form. You can also call it a PNB Account Opening Form Sample or Demo.

Read Also : Documents Required for Opening an Account in PNB

Steps to fill PNB Account Opening Form

To fill PNB Account Opening Form, first you need to have the form with you. If you have it, well and fine. If you don't have the Account Opening Form of PNB, you can collect it from any PNB Branch. You can also download the PNB Acocunt Opening Form in PDF Format by clicking the link below. Do remember to take a Print of the Account Opening form of PNB(If you have downloaded it Online).

  • Download PNB Account Opening Form in PDF

Please note that you will also find DA-1Nomination Form in the PNB Account Opening Form. We have described about the Nomination Form under the respective headings at the bottom of this article.

Instructions to fill up PNB Account Opening Form

Before we proceed to fill up PNB Account Account Opening Form, there are some important instructions that you must follow :

  1. Fill the form in BLOCK Letters only and use Black Ink for Signature.
  2. Do leave one Box blank between two words & put a tick mark corresponding to appropriate box.
  3. Please affix 1 Photograph in the space provided and submit an extra photograph for the Passbook.
  4. In Case of Minors, Address Proof of Father/Mother/Guardian can be accepted.
  5. In Case of Illiterate Applicants, left hand thumb impression is to affixed and verified.

Now, we will start with the process to fill up PNB Account Opening Form.Enter PNB Branch & Type of Account

At the top left of the Form, Enter the PNB Branch Office Name, you may leave the Dist. No. blank.

At the top right of the Form, Strike out the Type of Account which is not Applicable. Example :- If you want to open an Individually Operated account, strike out the word JOINT.

Leave the Customer ID No. & Account No. blank, as these details are to be filled by the PNB Officials only.

1. SELECT THE ACCOUNT Select the PNB Account to Open

From the list of Accounts, Put a Tick Mark corresponding to the PNB Account which you want to open. Let's say, you want to open a Savings Account. In such a Case, put a tick mark corresponding to the first box i.e., (A) Savings Fund Account.

Leave the spaces below this box blank, as these details are to be filled by people who want to open a fixed deposit account.


Name of Sole Account Holder in PNBFill the Name of Main Account Holder in BLOCK LETTERS. You may fill the First Name, Middle Name(if any) and Last Name corresponding to the respective boxes only.


Name of Joint Account Holders in PNB

Fill the Name of Joint Account Holder(s) in BLOCK LETTERS. You may fill the First Name, Middle Name(if any) and Last Name corresponding to the respective boxes only.

Leave these fields blank if the account needs to be operated by a single Individual.


Mode of Operation in PNB Account Opening Form

Put a tick mark on the appropriate box corresponding to the option you want to choose :

  • Self : The Account can be operated by the main applicant only.
  • Either or Survivor : The Account can be operated by any of the 2 Applicants. In case one dies, the other one can operate the account.
  • Former or Survivor : Only the main account holder can access and operate the account till the time he/she is alive. The second account holder can operate the account only on death of the main account holder.
  • Anyone of Us or Survivor(s) : This is similar to "either or survivor" Account. The only difference is that more than two people can operate the account.
  • Jointly : All the transactions need to be signed by all the account holders. If one of the account holder dies then the account can not be operated further.
  • Any Other (Specify).

Read Also : Types of Joint Accounts in Banks


Nomination in PNB Account Opening Form

Put a tick mark on YES, if you want to nominate someone. Otherwise, click on NO. It is recommended that you nominate your family member. Example : Your Spouse, Parents, Siblings etc. In case of your death, the balance amount can be claimed by the nominated person.

If you opt to Nominate someone, you need to fill up the DA-1 Form. The procedure of filling DA-1 form is given at the end.


ATM Debit Card in PNB Account Opening FormName of Ist Card Card holder : Enter the Name of the First/Main Account Holder as needed on the Debit/ATM Card.

If you also have Joint Account Holders, please fill :

Name of 2nd Card Card holder (IF ANY) : Enter the Name of the Second Account Holder as needed on the Debit/ATM Card.

Name of Ind Card Card holder (IF ANY) : Enter the Name of the Third Account Holder as needed on the Debit/ATM Card.


PNB Account Numbers for which ATM Debit Card is RequiredYou can leave these boxes blank as you have still not got the Account Number.


Nomination for ATM Debit Card Holder in PNB

Fill up the details for Accidental Insurance.

Enter the following details in the space provided in (i) above :

(i) Your Name(s), Nominee Name , Nominee's Father's/Husband's Name, Nominee's Address, Nominee's Age.

If the Nominee is a Minor, Enter the following details in the space provided in the (ii) above :

(ii) Nominee's Guardian's Name , Nominee's Guardian's Father's/Husband's Name, Nominee's Guardian's Address, Nominee's Guardian's Age.

9. INTERNET BANKING Internet Banking in PNB Account Opening FormIn (i) above, fill the :

a) Name of the Main Acount Holder for access to Internet Banking services.

b) Name of the Joint Account Holder(s) whom you wish to give access for Internet Banking.

Leave the boxes in (ii) as blank.


Requests in PNB Account Opening Form

In (i) above, put a tick mark on the first box if you want to get PNB Bank Passbook, Otherwise, if you want to receive Bank Statement at your residence/office/email address put a tick mark on the second box.

From (ii) to (viii) above, put a tick mark on on Y to avail the respective service. If you do not want to avail a particular service, put a tick mark on N.

Date : Fill the Current Date

Place : Enter the Name of the City

Customer's Signature/Thumb Impression : Main Account Holder must put his signature in 1. above . Joint Account Holder(s) may put their signature/thumb impression in 2. & 3. above.


Paste Photograph in PNB Account Opening Form

Paste your Recent Passport Size Photograph in the first space for Photograph. Joint Account Holder(s) may use the other space for pasting their photo.

Leave the Customer ID, Account No., Branch Office, Dist. No. fields blank as they will be filled by PNB Officials.

SPECIMEN SIGNATURES/THUMB IMPRESSIONS OF ACCOUNT HOLDER(S) Specimen Signatures and Thumb Impressions in PNB Account Opening Form

Main Account Holder must put his Signature/thumb impression in the first box above. Joint Account Holder(s) may use the other boxed to put the Signature/thumb impression(s).

In 3(i) above, write the Name of the Main Account Holder in Block Letters. In 3(ii) & 3(ii), write the name of the Joint Account Holder(s) in Block Letters only.

Mode of Operation : Write Single, if only you are going to operate the account. Write Joint if you have joint account holders as well.

Leave the Signature verification box blank as it is for PNB office use only.

Wherever you see, 'FOR OFFICE USE ONLY'you need to leave all those places blank. These places are to be filled by PNB Officials only.

FORM DA-1 : NOMINATIONName and Address in PNB Nomination Form

Fill up the following the space provided above :

Name : Full Name as in your Identity & Address Proof documents.

Address : Full Address as per your Address Proof document.

Branch : Name of the Bank Branch.

Nominee Details in PNB Nomination Form

Fill up the following Nominee information in the above boxes :

  • Nature of Account : Mention whether the Nominee Account is Singly Operated Acocunt or a Joint Account.
  • Account Number : Mention the Account Number of the Nominee.
  • Additions Details : Mention any additional details, if you need the bank to know about it.
  • Name : Mention the name of the Nominee.
  • Address : Mention the Full Address of the Nominee.
  • Relationship with Depositor : Mention the Relationship of the Nominee with the main Account Holder.
  • Age : Mention the Age of the Nominee.
  • If Nominee is Minor his/her Date of Birth : Self Explanatory field.

Signature of Depositor in PNB Nomination Form

In case the Nominee is a Minor, fill up the following information in the space provided above :

  • Name of the person appointed on behalf of Minor Nominee.
  • Age of the person appointed on behalf of Minor Nominee.
  • Full Address of the person appointed on behalf of Minor Nominee.
  • Place : Mention the Name of the City.
  • Date : Mention the Current Date.

Place the Signature/thumb impression of the Account Holder(s) above the space provided for the same.

CUSTOMER MASTER FORMCustomer Master Form in PNB Account Opening Form

Customer ID No. is to left blank as it is to be filled by the bank.

1. Name of the Account Holder : Enter the First Name, Middle Name(if any) and Last Name of the main account holder in the respective boxes in Block Letters only.

Fathers Name in PNC Customer Master Form

2. Father's/Husband's  Name : Enter your Father's/Husband's name in the space provided.

Gender in PNB Customer Master Form

3. Gender : Put a tick mark on the appropriate gender. Example : Male

Place of Birth in PNB Customer Master Form

4. Place of Birth : Fill up the Name of your City of Birth. Example : New Delhi

Date of Birth in PNb Customer Master Form

5. Date of Birth : Enter your Date of Birth. Example : 22/11/1987

Nationality in PNB Customer Master Form

6. Nationality : Enter your Nationality. Example : Indian

Religion Status and Identification Mark in PNB Customer Master Form

7. Religion : Strike out all Religions except yours.

8. Category : Strike out all Categories except yours.

9. Status : Tick mark if you belong to one these. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

10. Identification Mark : Mention any identification mark on your face or any other body part which is clearly visible. Example : A mole on the forehead near the left eyebrow.Address Details in PNB Customer Master Form

11(a) Present Address : Put a tick mark corresponding to the appropriate box to state whether the residence is Owner, Parental, Rental, Employer Provided.

Mention the Complete Address with City, State & PIN Code. Also mention your Telephone Number, Email Address and Mobile Number in the respective boxes.

11(b) Permanent Address : Put a tick mark corresponding to the appropriate box to state whether the residence is Owner, Parental, Rental, Employer Provided. Mention the Complete Address with City, State & PIN Code.

Mention the Address of your Office/Business with City, State, PIN Code and Telephone Number.Minor in PNB Customer Master Form

12. Minor : If you are below 18, tick mark on the box corresponding to YES. Otherwise, tick mark on the box corresponding to NO.

If you are a Minor, the following details of your Parents/Guardian will be needed :

  • (a) Relationship with Minor : Tick mark on the first box if your Nominee is your Father, second box if your Nominee is your Mother and on the third box if your Nominee is your Guardian.
  • (b) Name of Guardian : Fill the Full Name of your Mother/Father/Guardian.
  • (c) Address of Guardian : Fill the Address of your Mother/Father/Guardian.

Occupation in PNB Customer Master Form

13. Whether staff member : Tick Mark on YES, you are work in Punjab National Bank and enter your PF Account Number. If you do not work with PNB, put a tick mark on NO.

14. Occupation : Put a tick mark against the box which tells your occupation/profession. If the occupation is not listed, Write it down in last box i.e., Others.

Marital Status Educational Qualification and Total Annual Incomes in PNB Account Opening Form

15. Marital Status : Put a tick mark on the Married Box, if you are married. If you are Single, put a tick mark on Single box.

16. Educational Qualification :

  • If you have passed High School or Less than that, put a Tick Mark on Up to SSC.
  • If you are Graduate, put a Tick Mark on Graduate.
  • If you are Post Graduate, put a Tick Mark on Post Graduate.
  • If you have extra qualification, specify it in Other at the last.

17. Total Annual Income :

Put a tick mark on your Overall Annual Income from the options :

  • Upto Rs. 50,000
  • Rs.50,000 to 1.5 Lakh
  • Rs. 1.5 Lakh to 5 Lakh
  • Above Rs.5 Lakh

Annual Turnover & Income Tax Accessee in PNB Account OPening form

18. Annual Turnover : If you are into a Business, mention you Annual Turnover & Nature of Business.

Tick on YES if you have attached documentary proof in support of your Total Annual Income. Otherwise, tick on NO.

19. Whether Income Tax Assessee ? : If you file and/or pay your Income Tax, tick on YES otherwise tick on NO.

If YES, provide your PAN/GIR Number.

You to fill up Form 60/61 if you do not have a PAN Card.

Identity and Address Proof in PNB Account Opening Form

20. Proof of Identity : Put a Tick Mark on the Identity Proof Documents you are submitting along with this account opening form.

20. Proof of Address : Put a Tick Mark on the Address Proof Documents you are submitting along with this account opening form.

Name of Spouse in PNB Account Opening Form

22. Name of Spouse : If you are Unmarried, leave these fields blank.

If you are Married, fill up the details of your Spouse like First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Telephone No., Email Address, Mobile Number, Customer ID No. (If your Spouse has a Bank Account in PNB), Tick on Y, if employed/self emploed and on N if not.

If your Spouse is employed, fill up the Office/Business Address and Telephone Number in the space provided.

Other Bank Details in PNB Account Opening Form

23. Whether dealing with any other bank : If you have any sort of account in any other bank, please provide the details like Name of the Bank and tick mark on the Facilities being used. If you are not dealing with any other bank, you can leave these fields blank.

24. Whether already dealing with PNB : If you already have an account with PNB, mention the details of the account like Nature of Account, Account No. and Branch Office.

Loans Availed in PNB Account Opening Form

25. Loans Availed : If you have taken any loan from any bank or company, tick mark on the appropriate boxed against each type of loan.

Assets in PNB Account Opening Form

26. Assets : Mention the Approximate value of your Assets and the details like :

  • Vehicle Owned : Tick Mark on the Appropriate boxes given in the respective box.
  • Life Policy for : Tick Mark on the Appropriate boxes given in the respective box. Leave it blank if you do not have a life policy.
  • Pension Policy : Tick Mark on the Appropriate boxes given in the respective box.
  • Medical Insurance : Tick Mark on the Appropriate boxes given in the respective box.
  • Other Assets : If you want you can give the details of any other assets you own apart from the ones mentioned above.

Investments in PNB Account Opening Form

27. Investments : Mention the approximate value of your Investments Made. Also, put the Tick mark on the appropriate boxes given above for Investments and Amount.

Introducer Details in PNB Account Opening Form

28. Introduction : In the space provided above, you need to provide the introducer details of a person who already has an account with PNB. The details which are to be filled are Name, Period from which the introducer knows you with Years and Months and :

  • (a) Introducer's Name : Fill the Full Name of the Introducer.
  • (b) Introducer's Address : Fill the Full Address of the Introducer.
  • Phone : Fill the Phone Number of the Introducer.
  • Signature : Ask the introducer to put his/her signature here.
  • Introducer's Customer ID No. : Fill the Customer ID of the Introducer. You can find the Introducer's Customer ID on the Introducer's Bank Passbook.
  • Introducers's Account No. :  Fill the Account Number of the Introducer.

Spouse Qualification and Details of Family Members in PNB Account Opening Form

29. Spouse Qualification : Put a Tick Mark on the Appropriate box to mention your Spouse's qualification

30. Details of your Family Members : Mention the details of your family members by putting a tick mark on the appropriate box provided.

Example : If you have 2 male members out of which 1 male is Upto 10 years and other male is from 21 to 45 years, and 2 female members out of which 1 female is Upto 10 years and other male is from 21 to 45 years.

In such a case, in No. of Males first box put 1, in third box put 1 and in the last box i.e., total put 2. And in No. of Females first box put 1, in third box put 1 and in the last box i.e., total put 2.

Details of Relatives Settled Abroad in PNB Account OPening form

31. Any relative settled abroad : If you have any relative settled abroad, put a tick mark on YES, otherwise put a tick on NO. If YES, then mention the names and address of your relatives in the corresponding space provided under name and address.

Mention how many times have you been abroad in last three years? Never / 1 to 5 times / Above 5 times

Major Declaration in PNB Account OPening Form

32. Declaration : Mention the current date, Place(city) and put your Signature/Thumb impression in the box provided for the same.

Minor Declaration in PNB Account Opening Form

33. Declaration in case of a minor account : If the Account Holder is a minor, few details are to be by the guardian. The details to be filled are the Date of Birth of the Minor Account Holder, Relationship with the Account Holder and Court Order date.

Also mention the current date, Place(city) and put the Guardian's Signature/Thumb impression in the box provided for the same.

Note : Wherever you find FOR OFFICE USE ONLY, you need to leave all those places blank. These places are to be filled by PNB Officials only.

How to Fill Account Opening Form of Punjab National Bank


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