Name of People Who Draw Designs of Cars
The white settlers called them Creek Indians after Ocmulgee Creek in Georgia. They originally called themselves Isti or Istichata, but began to identify themselves as Muskogee soon after Europeans arrived.
Muskogee is pronounced "muss-KOH-gee," with a hard 'g' as in 'go.' Sometimes it is spelled Muscogee or Mvskoke instead. It comes from Maskoke, which was originally the name of a particular Creek band. Later, this name became used to refer to Creek people in general. Today, many people use the two words together: Muskogee Creek.
No, but some Seminoles are Creek people. The Seminole tribe was originally an alliance between certain Creek, Miccosukee, Hitchiti, Oconee, and other Indian people of northern Florida and southern Georgia. Only some Creek people, not all of them, joined the Seminoles.
The Creeks are original residents of the American southeast, particularly Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and North Carolina. Most Creeks were forced to move to Oklahoma in the 1800's, like other southern Indian tribes. There are 20,000 Muskogee Creeks in Oklahoma today. Other Creek people are living in southern Florida as part of the Seminole tribe, in the Poarch Creek band in Alabama, or scattered throughout the original Muskogee homelands.
There are two Creek tribes today. The Poarch Creeks in Alabama live on a reservation , which is land that belongs to the tribe and is under their control. The Oklahoma Creeks live on trust land. The Creek Nation has its own government, laws, police, and other services, like a small country. However, the Creeks are also US citizens and must obey American law.
In the past, each Creek village was led by a chief called a miko who was selected by a tribal council. Historically, all these chiefs were male. Today, the Creek councilmembers and principal chief are elected, just like senators and governors, and can be either gender.
Most Creek people speak English today. Some people, especially elders, also speak their native Muskogee Creek language . If you'd like to know a few easy Muskogee words, hesci (pronounced hiss-chay) is a friendly greeting, and mvto (pronounced muh-toh) means 'thank you.' You can also read a Creek picture glossary here.
Here is a link to the Muscogee Creek Nation of Oklahoma, where you can learn about the Creek people past and present.
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They do the same things all children do--play with each other, go to school and help around the house. Many Creek children like to go hunting and fishing with their fathers. In the past, Indian kids had more chores and less time to play, just like colonial children. But they did have beaded dolls, toys and games to play with. A popular game among teenage boys and adult men was afvcketv (pronounced ah-futch-kitt-uh), which is a stickball game similar to the Iroquois game of lacrosse. Creek mothers, like many Native Americans, traditionally carried their babies in cradleboards on their backs. Here is a website with Indian cradleboard pictures.
What were men and women's roles in the Creek tribe?
Creek men were hunters and sometimes went to war to protect their families. Creek women were farmers and also did most of the child care and cooking. Both genders took part in storytelling, artwork and music, and traditional medicine. In the past, the chief was always a man, but today a Creek woman can participate in government too.
The Creek people lived in settled villages of single-family houses arranged around a village square. Creek houses were made of plaster and rivercane walls with thatched roofs. Here are some pictures of Indian homes like the ones Creek Indians used. They also built larger circular buildings for ceremonial purposes, and most towns had a ball field with benches for spectators. Some Creek villages had palisades (reinforced walls) around them, to guard against attack. Today, the Creeks live in modern houses and apartment buildings, just like you.
Creek men wore breechcloths and leather leggings. Creek women wore wraparound skirts and mantles made of deerskin or woven fiber. Creek men did not originally wear shirts, but both genders wore cloaks in cooler weather. Like most Native Americans, the Creeks also wore moccasins on their feet. Here is a website with moccasin pictures from various tribes. Later the Creeks adapted European costume into their own characteristic style, including cloth blouses, jackets, and full skirts decorated with ribbon applique. Here is a webpage with pictures of traditional Creek dress, and here are some photographs and links about Native American regalia in general.
The Creeks didn't wear warbonnets like the Sioux. Creek men usually shaved their heads in the Mohawk style, and sometimes they would also wear a porcupine roach. (These headdresses were made of porcupine hair, not their sharp quills!) Creek women usually wore their long hair in topknots on top of their heads. Here is a website with pictures of Native American hair. Creek men, especially warriors, decorated their bodies with complex tattoo designs, and often painted their faces bright red during battles and dances. Creek women didn't usually tattoo or paint themselves.
Today, some Creek people still wear moccasins or a ribbon shirt, but they wear modern clothes like jeans instead of breechcloths... and they only wear roaches in their hair on special occasions like a dance.
Yes--the Creek Indians made long dugout canoes from hollowed-out cypress logs. Here is an article with pictures of Native American canoe styles. Over land, the Muskogees used dogs as pack animals. (There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.) Today, of course, Creek people also use cars... and non-native people also use canoes.
The Creeks were farming people. Creek women did most of the farming, harvesting crops of corn, beans, and squash. Creek men did most of the hunting, shooting deer, wild turkeys, and small game and fishing in the rivers and along the coast. Creek dishes included cornbread, soups, and stews cooked on stone hearths. Here is a website with more information about Indian foods.
Creek hunters primarily used bows and arrows. Fishermen used fishing spears, nets, or hooks made of bone. In war, Creek men fired their bows or fought with war clubs or Native American tomahawks. Creek warriors also used hide shields to defend themselves.
The Creeks were known for their American Indian baskets, sculpture, and glazed pottery. When they had to move to Oklahoma, the Creeks couldn't get the materials they used to use for some of their traditional crafts, so they concentrated more on other crafts such as beadwork.
What other Native Americans did the Creek tribe interact with?
No. Many people guess this, but it isn't true. "The Five Civilized Tribes" was just a name that the white settlers used to refer to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, and Creek tribes of the Southeast. These five tribes were never part of an alliance together, and they did not call themselves the Civilized Tribes in their own languages. Originally, the white settlers probably called them this because these five tribes were early converts to Christianity. They were also farmers who lived in settled towns under sophisticated government systems, which Europeans and early Americans considered a higher level of civilization than independent bands of hunters who moved from place to place. However, there were dozens of other Native American tribes who also led farming lifestyles, not just these five.
There are many traditional Creek legends and fairy tales. Storytelling is very important to the Creek Indian culture. Here is a story about why opossums have bare tails. Here's a website where you can read more about Creek mythology.
Spirituality and religion were important parts of Creek life, and some people continue to practice traditional beliefs today. It is respectful to avoid imitating religious rituals for school projects since some Creek people care about them deeply. You can read and learn about them, however. You can visit this site to learn more about Creek rituals or this site about Indian beliefs in general.
Younger readers may enjoy The Great Ball Game, a picture book retelling a Creek legend, or Jingle Dancer, the story of a modern Muscogee girl gathering regalia for a powwow. Older readers may like Gray Eagle, a novel about an 18th-century Creek Indian boy. Two good books about Creek culture and history for kids are The Creek: Farmers of the Southeast and Creek Indians Today. You can also browse through our reading list of Native American children's books in general. Disclaimer: we are an Amazon affiliate and our website earns a commission if you buy a book through one of these links. Most of them can also be found in a public library, though!
You will need to ask your teacher for the format he or she wants you to use. The authors' names are Laura Redish and Orrin Lewis and the title of our site is Native Languages of the Americas. We are a nonprofit educational organization working to preserve and protect Native American languages and culture. You can learn more about our organization here. Our website was first created in 1998 and last updated in 2020.
Thanks for your interest in the Creek Indian people and their language!
Name of People Who Draw Designs of Cars
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